January 24, 2024

Congressman Bowman Hosts Town Hall on Accomplishments and Putting People Over Corporate Profits

For Immediate Release

Yonkers, NY. –  Yesterday, Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed. D. (NY-16) was joined by special guest Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) for a virtual town hall on the cost of living crisis, the fight to put people over corporate profits in the 2024 federal budget, and Rep. Bowman’s accomplishments in office. You can watch the town hall here.

Rep. Bowman opened the town hall with a discussion of his 2023 accomplishments including: 

  • Introducing 9 pieces of legislation

  • Securing $20,408,590 in Community Project Funding for NY-16 

  • Pushing the White House to launch its first blueprint for a Renters’ Bill of Rights

  • Responding to 163,128 pieces of constituent mail 

  • Solving 2562 casework issues

  • And bringing $4,636,461 back into constituent’s pockets through that casework

Reps. Bowman and DeLauro then discussed how Republican dysfunction and the repeated need for continuing resolutions are delaying community project funding, the need to expand the Child Tax credit to lift millions of working class families out of poverty, and the need for political leaders to address the affordability crisis that Americans are facing. They also took questions from NY-16 constituents about student loan debt, healthcare, supporting small businesses, and more. In a poll of the audience, 68% of listeners responded yes to a question on whether they or someone they know is struggling to afford basic necessities.

Rep. Bowman on the affordability crisis (at 54:30 in video):

“68% of you on this call either personally or know someone who’s struggling to afford their basic necessities. Think about that number. That number is a representation of the economic struggle in our district, but that struggle is happening across the country,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman Ed.D (NY-16).  “So we have to do more to make sure we’re putting money in people’s pockets and making things more affordable. Democrats are the ones that are fighting to do that in Congress and we’re going to continue that fight…. We know more needs to be done because we are righting the wrongs of decades of neglect from our federal government. We’re going to fight hard to do better, and we need your continued support,  we need you to fight with us.

Rep. DeLauro on Congress’s priorities and Rep. Bowman (at 58:00 in video):

“When we talk about the economy, healthcare, public safety, and cost of living, this is where we need to focus our time and attention these days,” said Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03). “We cannot allow for the draconian cuts that some of these [Republican] bills contain, which would do nothing but hurt the American people…. I want you to know that we are listening, but you have to continue to make your voices heard. You have someone in the sixteenth district here who represents your interests to the fullest., someone not afraid to stand up, be counted, and fight on your behalf. And that’s what needs to happen these days.”
